1. Parking Lot
    2. Parent Drop-Off
    3. Bus Drop-Off and Parking
    4. Service Drive and CTE Access
    5. Playground
    6. Courtyard/Outdoor Classrooms
    7. Elementary Wing
    8. Elementary Gym (Storm Shelter with Access for Community)
    9. Commons and Shared Functions
    10. Elementary Entrance and Administration
    11. High School and Event Entrance and Administration
    12. Competition Gym
    13. Concessions (Dual Purpose for Outside Athletics)
    14. Junior High Gym
    15. Potential/Future Auditorium and Auxiliary Gym
    16. Junior/ Senior High Wing
    17. Science, Career and Technical Education Wing
    18. Music
    19. Football Field and 8-Lane Track
    20. Practice Football Field, Field Events, and Green Space     

    See how our spaces compare to newly constructed spaces like the ones being proposed HERE.


    Current Square Feet

    square feet

    Proposed Square Feet in New Building

    Have a question? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page HERE, submit it HERE, email buildingproject@mcwmavericks.org, or call 507-764-2330. 

    Fiscal Sustainability | Quality Learning Spaces for All | Maximizing Operating Efficiencies